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Future of Retail & CPG
New Normal & Way Forward
Redefining Channels
Enabling Kirana Stores
Retail Technology
Define the “post-pandemic new normal”.

Layout a set of “considerations & actions” Indian FMCG & Retail companies need to take, to thrive in the new normal.

Action Steps

Redefine Channels
GTM landscape redefined
New FMCG channels & growth trends.
On-line world – approaches & challenges

Enabling Kirana stores
Evolving channels in India
Changing ecosystem around Kirana
The way forward for the Kirana

Leveraging Innovation in Technology
Agile planning and forecasting
Digital procurement
Agile 1st & last mile
Flexi infrastructure
Flow to demand

The work included other larger organization areas like
Connected employees in a new work environment
Sustainable initiatives to conduct business responsibly
Results, Impact & Status

This white paper was circulated to all major industry players, leaders & the government.

This document is being used across companies for strategic long-range planning. This is also used by the government for creating policy frameworks.

The document lays out scenarios & actions for the short, medium & long term.

This is also used by the government for creating policy frameworks.

This document is being used across companies for strategic long-range planning.
Case Studies
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