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G2W Is a process designed to hack growth & create sustained profitable growth paths for businesses.
The Growth Formula

Growth Culture
Money where the mouth is:
While leadership talks growth, businesses need to
allocate real resources, capacity, top talent, technology and more to drive growth

Flavour of the Season:
Growth initiatives need to be choiceful & considered. Once a choice is made it needs to be invested in & nourished with patience. Everchanging, fleeting investment choices are certainly detrimental to any organizations long term growth plan

Walk the talk:
People need to see support for growth especially when the going gets tough. Swing of the pendulum cut backs on growth investments especially during tough business periods is perceived as leadership not staying the course

Measure what you treasure:
All measurements, scorecards, dashboards, trackers & trendlines need to be attuned to capturing & reviewing growth

Organizational reward & recognition systems need to be aligned to growth imperatives as well

Growth Culture
THE RULE OF 80:18:2!

The “Now”, the current bread & butter of the business. This is where 80% of the growth is likely to come from.
Focus on the core is critical
for businesses to excel at serving the current consumers, pay the bills & create surpluses for fuelling future growth.

The “Next” frontier that usually lies in adjacencies where businesses can leverage some of their existing expertise & differentiators like; consumer understanding, customers and channels, supply chains, manufacturing know how etc. This is typically where the other 18% of growth tends to come from.

A 2% growth bucket sits in the “Future”. A place that feels & looks like the next frontier and needs outsized investment, time, effort to bring to fruition. As William Gibson said- The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed – is often a great way of thinking about investments that drive this bucket.
Agile Growth Nexus: A Framework for Breakthrough Growth
The Agile Growth Nexus integrates the best of both worlds-agility and strategic planning. It bridges short-term
performance optimization with long-term innovation.
This is the recipe for sustained long term value creation & profitable growth.

Benefits Summary -5%-15% PA

Benefits Summary -5%-15% PA

The Agile Growth Nexus integrates the best of both worlds-agility and
strategic planning

It bridges short-term performance optimization with long-term innovation

Consumer centric approach that challenges the status quo
& holy cows to deliver consumer value superiority

Process centred on Cross-functional teams operate across all horizons, thereby breaking down internal barriers & silos

Optimal mix of focus & inputs on the core, more & explore horizons
Our Toolkits
Our Toolkits

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