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l2w - is a proven process designed to unlock the key levers that will drive growth.
Industry Insights

In businesses across the world
there is little to no widely aligned
articulation of l2w ’s

Most CPG companies lack a true understanding of the cause - effect relationship between investments & l2w ’s

Most CPG companies don’t have a
clear prioritization of the size of the
prize or of the degree of difficulty
behind growth levers.
Clear understanding & commonly understood articulation of l2w can be the singular difference between succeeding & not for organizations.

l2w works along a well-articulated & time-tested, multi-functional process that breaks down internal silos & promotes a larger organizational alignment.
l2w is an analytical approach that generates insights from connecting dots across various organizational
silos & databases combined with “hands-on” in-market visits.

Business Impact

Decision-making based on a comprehensive understanding of l2w with a clear focus on the potential opportunities for improved efficiency and profit improvement.

Greater understanding of issues and opportunities and internal alignment on the key levers to drive and accelerate growth.
On clearly defined project charters to drive l2w & allocated roles & responsibilities.

Investing efficiently behind the key L4G drivers resulting
in optimum and focused ROI – spending wisely in the right channels/customers
Multi Functional

Breaking down silo’s with cross-functional alignment and enabling a closer working relationship in Distributor markets
Our Toolkits

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