Offline Category Size of Prize & Potential Assessment
Category < > Consumer Fit
Execution Plan
Size Of Prize

Should we add Pet Care to our portfolio?
If yes, how / if no, why?

Role of National brands Vs private labels at launch & over time.

Action Steps

Approach & Sprints
1. Size of prize /ease of execution analysis based on companies existing setup & strengths.
Discovery: Current consumer needs & wants mapping.
Consumer mind map on adjacency of pet care.
2. Choice boarding to evaluate the best course of action for a quick start.
3. Game plans including:
Projections on size of prize.
Where to play, how to win & what to execute.
Estimates of sales & profit potential with details of price tiers, sourcing plan, selling plan & more.
National brand suppliers ( products, prices, etc), private label (role, supplier, tier, price, pack).
4. Road map for the category, supplier, geography, seller expansion & scaling.
Pilot stores, geographies, and measures of success to enable go/no go.
Organizational capability & capacity plan.

Results, Impact & Status
Plan under evaluation for potential execution stating 2024/25.