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Startup Founders
Global & regional senior business leaders
Leadership Development
Talent Planning
Personalized Coaching
1:1 Mentoring
An enabler that turns good leaders AMAZING A unique value add for leaders that lead to greater loyalty, engagement & retention
A targeted Mentoring program that inspires leaders to Achieve, the EXTRA-ordinary.
Customized to fit individual needs:
Online, face to face, work-shopping sessions & more, all tailored to individual needs.
Flexi time slots that fit into individual mentee work styles & calendars.
Senior leaders across functions:
On the HiPo (high potential) list who need leadership & skill dev for future roles.
HiPe High-performing leaders who need support help particular skills & with behavioral competencies current role.
Quarter 1 : 2x/month 60mnt sessions:
Quarter 2 & 3 once a month
Ongoing : Twice a quarter + need based
Mentorship Program
Mentoring Process
Results, Impact & Status
Measurable impact on:
Business & organizational goals
Increased capability to deliver stretch goals.
Positive impact on wellness, engagement & retention.
Key To Success
Mentorship programs positioned as investments & a unique privilege/ reward work great, while open enrollment mentoring programs tend to have very high failure rates.
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